Elon Musk’s Hilarious Twitter Takeover: A Year of Unpredictable Twists and Turns

Waseem Jalal

Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter was a veritable bombshell in the world of cyber tycoons and their expensive undertakings. Musk has amassed a massive following on Twitter in addition to his fame as an innovator in the fields of electric vehicles, space travel, and tunneling. But what happens when one of the most peculiar people in business takes charge of a major social media outlet? As it turns out, the answer is a year full of strange and unexpected occurrences.

After purchase of Twitter was completed on October 27, 2022, this article explores the fallout. Many people have thought about what being his owner may mean, and some have even ventured to imagine a future when this partnership is nothing short of a comic goldmine. After a year, we can confidently claim that those predictions came true.

Elon musk buys xvideos However, the purchase of XVideos, an adult material website, by someone with the last name “Elon Musk” raises eyebrows and piques suspicion.

I. Musk’s Promises and Early Actions

Musk’s Message to Twitter Advertisers

Musk’s first act as Twitter’s owner was to send a message to the company’s advertisers, indicating his plans to change the platform’s focus. He said that Twitter wants to be the “most respected advertising platform in the world” and he underlined the importance of fortifying businesses and their brands. Musk emphasized in his statement the need of complying with local laws and providing a welcome environment for all users.

The Challenge of Balancing Free Speech and Corporate Responsibility

It seemed at first glance that Musk was really trying to find middle ground between free speech and business responsibility in his message. Clearly, he was aware that advertising was a major source of income for Twitter (to the tune of 90%). Brand safety and predictability were of paramount significance in a world where businesses are very selective about where their advertising appear.

What was supposed to be a serious undertaking, however, ended up being very hilarious. Musk, a public personality with conservative leanings, lacked the composure usually seen in business executives. This made firms uncomfortable about advertising on a platform where a tweet reply from Musk himself may be as unexpected as it gets.

The Impact on Twitter’s Advertising Revenue

The fallout from this instability did not take long to materialize. Ebiquity, a marketing advisory business, has seen a dramatic change in clientele, whom they represent (70 of the top 100 ad spenders, including Google and GM). Thirty-one of their biggest customers were using Twitter ads prior to Musk’s acquisition. Only two customers are still advertising on the site, a significant drop from the previous month. According to Ebiquity’s chief strategy officer, no other large advertising platform has ever seen a decline of this magnitude.

Small businesses selling specialized items like 1/100th scale papier-mâché replicas of the Eiffel Tower have become the most common kind of adverts seen by Twitter users. While this could bring some comfort in terms of brand protection, many micro-entrepreneurs have limited advertising resources. As a result, Twitter’s advertising income in the United States dropped by an alarming 60% year over year.II. Twitter’s Transformation to “X”

Musk’s Obsession with the Name “X”

The decision to change Twitter’s name was one of the most bizarre acts of Musk’s ownership. Once widely known as Twitter, the network was abruptly renamed “X.” Musk’s inspiration for the switch was his lifelong love of the letter “X.”

The repercussions of this sudden shift were mind-boggling. Even while the term “Twitter” is still widely used, the once-ubiquitous brand Twitter has been relegated to oblivion. According to reports, between $4 and $20 billion in market value disappeared from Twitter after the unexpected rebranding.

The Controversial Rebranding of a Well-Known Brand

Changing the name of a widely used platform by only one letter caused widespread consternation in the IT sector. It would be like if Elon Musk bought Coca-Cola and renamed it after his childhood pet tortoise, “Zoinks.” Many were left wondering why Twitter would make such a drastic change and what effect it would have on the company’s image.

III. Musk’s Understanding of Twitter

Twitter’s User Base Before and After the Takeover

Before Musk bought Twitter, it had around 500 million active users per month. Of them, about 120 million checked Twitter everyday, spending an average of 15 minutes each visit. Only around 12 million individuals accounted for the vast majority of the site’s visitors, but they were avid users.

The Importance of Engaging Normal Users

Any social media site’s potential for success is directly proportional to how well it attracts regular people. In the case of Twitter, the aim was that the 50 million or more loyal users might possibly offset a drop in ad income by subscribing to premium services. On the other hand, Musk’s vision seemed to ignore the critical need of retaining regular customers.

Musk’s Overestimation of Twitter’s Appeal

Like many other parts of his life, Musk’s enthusiasm for Twitter may have led him to exaggerate the social media’s widespread appeal. Twitter did not achieve this condition, which would have given it a fighting chance under a subscription-based model if it had 50 million dedicated users. Musk’s approach, typified by constant antagonism of Twitter’s primarily progressive audience, has turned off many otherwise interested users.

IV. The Financials of Musk’s Twitter Takeover

The Initial Purchase and Its Implications

When Musk bought Twitter, he paid a price that was much over the company’s value on the stock market. In contrast to Twitter’s then-market worth of about $28 billion, Musk’s offer of $44 billion was really astonishing. To avoid shareholder litigation, Twitter’s management seemed to have little alternative but to accept the offer, despite its gross undervaluation of the firm.

Since Twitter is no longer a publicly listed corporation, information about its finances is less readily available to the general public. A major Twitter investor, Fidelity Investments, has cut down the value of the company by almost two-thirds since Musk’s acquisition. This indicated a severe decrease, bringing Twitter’s value down to almost $15 billion.

Musk and His Co-Investors’ Stakes and the Borrowed Funds

Borrowing played a crucial role in financing this transaction. Of the $44 billion acquisition price, Musk and his co-investors paid around $31 billion, leaving the remaining $13 billion to be financed by Twitter at hefty interest rates from Wall Street. This meant that Musk and his fellow investors were now very close to losing their full $31 billion.

V. Musk’s Unconventional Commitment

Understanding Musk’s Motivation

Investigating Elon Musk’s intentions is essential to making sense of the current situation. What led him to embark in an enterprise as uncertain and turbulent as Twitter? It is clear that Musk’s desire to push the boundaries of his own life was a motivating factor in these out-of-the-ordinary choices.

The Bleak and Awful Results for Twitter and Beyond

The global community and Twitter itself have both felt the effects of Musk’s ownership. Although the results have been negative, they have had a humorous undertone. Those who like the ridiculousness of it all have had something to laugh about thanks to Musk’s determination to test the limits of human pride and arrogance.

The Unpredictable Twists and Turns of Musk’s Twitter Ownership

Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter was a year ago, and the story of his reign as Twitter’s owner hasn’t ended yet. It’s a dynamic tale, like Musk’s own Twitter feed, with comedically misdirected rebranding and unexpected fluctuations in advertising income.


Looking back on Elon Musk’s year at the helm of Twitter, it’s clear that the pairing of one of the most eccentric tech moguls with a formidable social media platform has produced some unexpected and often weird outcomes. Ad revenue losses, a contentious rebrand to “X,” and Musk’s surprising miscalculations about Twitter’s audience have all added to a story that is both perplexing and hilarious.

There’s no doubting the entertainment value in Musk’s steadfast dedication to this unconventional business, even if the long-term effects of his Twitter takeover could be gloomy for Twitter and the globe at large. This is a story about how the computer business may be unexpected and how some people will not be afraid to test the limits of reason.

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